10% of all proceeds are donated to GlobalGiving. GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. They help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place. They make it safe, easy, and fun for anyone to give to vetted nonprofits anywhere in the world.
We may be the gifting experts, but we're letting GlobalGiving be the give back experts. Through their "Project of the Month" club, each month they will direct our donation from your gift purchases to different high-impact projects. GlobalGiving's work is based on a simple but powerful goal: find organizations best positioned to solve problems in their communities and help increase their impact. One donor, one project, one community at a time. They've partnered with nonprofits in 170 countries who work on the ground and understand what their communities really need.
Every month GlobalGiving sends updates about each month's project and how donated funds will be used so you can see the impact of your gift purchase in action!
Make sure you sign-up for our Newsletter below because we will be sharing these updates with you.